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6 Best Practices on LinkedIn for Small Businesses

Over the last year, LinkedIn activity has surged to ‘record levels of engagement’, and brands have leaped at the opportunity to join the bandwagon. However, the platform can still be difficult to navigate and most times it seems like LinkedIn is just hit-or-miss, especially for those who are new to the platform. Small business owners have it even harder, having to manage the entire effort themselves or with very small marketing teams, and almost zero budgets.

We’ve compiled a list of 6 best practices on LinkedIn, specifically for small businesses, so that you can maximise your results.

1. Optimise Your LinkedIn Business Page

The first and foremost best practice is to simply optimise your LinkedIn business page and link it to your website. Add your company logo as the profile picture, along with a banner image for the cover picture, apart from filling out your basic information like your business name, location, industry, etc. Make sure you write an appropriate overview for your page, but keep it short and crisp.

2. Get Your Team On LinkedIn

If they aren’t already, make sure that everyone on your team (including you!), has a personal profile on LinkedIn, which is completely filled out, and includes a professional cover photo. Your team’s data links back to your business page, based on their employment information. This way, whenever you post from your business page, your team automatically receives an update, and can also share and engage with the content. Remember that LinkedIn pages and profiles also add to your SEO and make your brand more discoverable on the internet, in general.

3. Invite Your Connections To Follow Your Page

LinkedIn lets you invite upto 100 of your connections to follow your page, each month. And whenever someone accepts your invite, the invite resets. This

means that you can have upto 100 pending invitations at any time (which you can also withdraw if you need to). So, go ahead and invite as many connections to follow you as you can, periodically withdrawing old invitations and sending out new ones.

4. Create Page Admins

You can give administrative access of your page to anyone you choose to, even if they are not ‘employees’ of your company on LinkedIn. Page admins can invite connections to follow the page, post page updates, reply and comment as the brand, and basically anything else that a business page allows you to do. This way, you can split the responsibilities of managing the page across your team, or even outsource your entire LinkedIn presence to a marketing agency.

5. Post Once A Day, Everyday

Aim to post once each day from your business page, at least on weekdays. You can choose to skip weekends, as most LinkedIn users are not very active on weekends and holidays. However, ensure that you don’t post more than once within one day. You must allow enough time for LinkedIn to show your post to your audience, before putting up a new post. Unless your content is extremely engaging, LinkedIn will usually only show one post from your page at any time. Bonus Tip: Try and add an image or a video to your posts to improve engagement and reach!

6. Engage With Your Followers

Make sure that you engage with followers who like, share, or comment on your page updates, to keep the conversation flowing. Watch out for the ‘activity’ tab on your page to keep track of page mentions, reshares, comments, likes, etc, as well as employee updates and general page notifications.

In the meanwhile, here are 5 things you can do as a small business owner to boost your brand. The Invisible Paintbrush is a small agency for small businesses that offers end to end marketing services for pre-launch & early-stage start-ups, solopreneurs, family businesses, freelancers, and more. If you enjoy reading our articles, follow us on LinkedIn or Instagram to keep receiving updates! To share this article, use the social icons below:


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